LINC-8 Control Panel Schematics?
(too old to reply)
Bob Vines
2022-06-08 22:13:09 UTC
Does anyone have the LINC-8 control panel schematics that are missing from the PDF set on Bitsavers?

If so, could you scan & post them ASAP? We're working on one of CJL's LINC-8s and can't find the control panel schematics we need. Most of us have to drive or fly home this Saturday, but a few are local to the Museum and can use them.


Al Kossow
2022-06-09 02:31:05 UTC
Post by Bob Vines
Does anyone have the LINC-8 control panel schematics that are missing from the PDF set on Bitsavers?
If so, could you scan & post them ASAP? We're working on one of CJL's LINC-8s and can't find the control panel schematics we need. Most of us have to drive or fly home this Saturday, but a few are local to the Museum and can use them.
they are on pages 39 and 58 of volume II
Al Kossow
2022-06-09 02:41:04 UTC
Post by Al Kossow
Post by Bob Vines
Does anyone have the LINC-8 control panel schematics that are missing from the PDF set on Bitsavers?
If so, could you scan & post them ASAP? We're working on one of CJL's LINC-8s and can't find the control panel schematics we need. Most of us have to drive or fly home this Saturday, but a few are local to the Museum and can use them.
they are on pages 39 and 58 of volume II
the switches are on 82 and 83
Bob Vines
2022-06-09 16:14:45 UTC
Post by Al Kossow
Post by Al Kossow
Post by Bob Vines
Does anyone have the LINC-8 control panel schematics that are missing from the PDF set on Bitsavers?
If so, could you scan & post them ASAP? We're working on one of CJL's LINC-8s and can't find the control panel schematics we need. Most of us have to drive or fly home this Saturday, but a few are local to the Museum and can use them.
they are on pages 39 and 58 of volume II
the switches are on 82 and 83
We have already used page 39 ("D-BS-LINC8-0-L28 - LINC Switches and Indicators") of the LINC-8 Maintenance Manual, Volume II, plus the equivalent one for the PDP-8 (page 58, "D-BS-LINC8-0-P27 - PDP-8 Switches and Indicators"), but they don't give the needed information to permit tracking voltages/signals to see where they should be and where we're losing them.  However, even though we had already looked at PDF page 74 ("CABLE LAYOUT OF CONTROL PANEL") and pages 82 & 83 of Volume II, we went back and looked at page 83 again after your alt.sys.pdp8 posting.

Since we had spent some time trying to(?) figure out the terminal board & wiring shown on page 83 ("E-AD-7005114-0-0 Control Panel (Sheet 2)") of Volume II _and_ the  PDF page 74 "D-IC-LINC8-0-11 - CABLE LAYOUT OF CONTROL PANEL" of the LINC-8 Schematics, we decided to use the toggle-switch/wiring info from page 83 plus the basic info from the "CABLE LAYOUT OF CONTROL PANEL" and what we could actually _see_ of the "CA" & "CB" backplane mounted on the rear of the control panel to create a spreadsheet tracing each wire from the toggle & other front panel switches through the CA/CB backplane through the flexprint cables connected to various slots in the main system backplane(s?) and on to the individual modules that should do something when a key/toggle switch is changed.  (Sorry for the run-on sentence there!)

We hope to use the spreadsheet to assist with our troubleshooting to determine why most keys don't _appear_ to be functioning, though we could have something pulling the -15 power to ground and/or whatever is causing the FETCH & RUN lamps to stay on, causing other control switches to do more than one "instance" per switch change, etc.


The LINC-8 Schematics on Bitsavers have a lot of missing drawings/pages *when compared to* the Master Drawing List at the beginning of the PDF.  I'm hoping that someone here will actually have them _and_ be able & willing to scan them and email them to both Al & me, like I did for Al several years ago, permitting one of the Bitsavers DECmate documents to be (leaving a 100% complete document!).